05 May 2014

30 Days About Me - Day 4: What are you afraid of?

Day 4 :: What are you afraid of?

There are random things I'm afraid of, depending on circumstances.  But my biggest fear is being alone.  I hate being alone or left behind/out.  It's a terrible feeling and can often give me minor freakouts.

Another thing I'm afraid of is scorpions.  I almost stepped on a tiny, white baby one once in San Antonio when I was barefoot.  I've been terrified of them ever since.  When Mama Bear had one at one point, I couldn't even go into her room because it creeped me out so badly.

The last major fear that I'll mention right now is cockroaches.  I loathe cockroaches.  Like can't even look at them when they're in a glass-enclosed display in a zoo.  I blame the palmetto bugs in San Antonio for cementing that fear...  *shudders*

Project Master Post

04 May 2014

30 Days About Me - Day 3: Your favorite quote

So first off, I have a valid reason for not posting yesterday.  I was away at the coast all day, then was exhausted when I got home.

Day 3 :: Your favorite quote

One of my current favorite quotes is below.  I found it recently via Facebook and fell in love with it.
When you write, you write out of your best self. Everything else drops away.
 -- Salman Rushdie
I'll be honest in that I actually have a lot of quotes that I like.  In fact, I have an entire spreadsheet of quotes. Somewhere between 3-5 thousand of them total.  I have a bit of a problem with collecting quotes.  *chuckles*  But I've also used some of them for story purposes, so that's a good thing, right?

Project Master Post

02 May 2014

30 Days About Me - Day 2: 20 facts about you

Day 2 :: 20 facts about you

  1. I'm technically the oldest of four.
  2. I'm the oldest grandchild on both sides of my family.
  3. At one time, I owned over 120 rats, due to a timing error in breeding two females and a former roommate rescuing another two pregnant females in the same timeframe.
  4. I have lived in 5 states in the course of my lifetime.
  5. I am very much in love with both of my nephews.
  6. I love being a redhead, but don't always mind when my grey hair peaks through the dye.
  7. I prefer contacts to glasses usually, but am incredibly light sensitive when I wear them.
  8. At one point, I was in college full-time with 15-18 credits [depending on the semester], worked a full-time job and a part-time job, and was active in the theatre department.
  9. During the above-mentioned time, I got free soda at both jobs, so was averaging 2 gallons of diet soda per day just to keep awake and get everything done.
  10. It was during the above time [plus a few more years, for good measure] that I developed a nasty allergy to aspartame and its ilk.  I didn't find out until about 10 years later why I kept getting so many migraines.  Now, a single drop of the stuff touching my tongue will trigger off an instant nasty migraine.
  11. Now I'm completely aspartame-free and can't even stomach diet sodas with Splenda because the "fake sugar" taste in cola-type drinks makes me gag.
  12. I prefer guinea pigs as pets to ferrets, but would take ratties over both in a heartbeat.
  13. I actually was able to breed pedigreed rats because I bred down four generations on the maternal side from a pet store feeder rat.
  14. If you give me Ionian green olives, I will do pretty much anything for you.
  15. I have eaten an olive stuffed with a habanero pepper and loved it.
  16. I'm 44yo and still don't have my driver's license, nor do I expect I ever will.
  17. When I die, I want to be cremated and turned into an artificial reef section in the Pacific Ocean.  If I can't do that, I want my ashes to be housing for a tree seed to be planted in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
  18. I've been working on refining the same novel concept for over twelve years now.  One day, it'll be cohesive enough to become a fully developed novel.
  19. As a rule, I don't use recipes when I cook.  When I bake, I use recipes to be safe, but when I cook, it's all about intuition.
  20. I am known as the "Spice Queen" or "Sauce Queen" in my house, because I always know how to spice everything or make sauces/gravies that rock, pretty much without fail.

Project Master Post

01 May 2014

30 Days About Me - Day 1: Introduction and recent photo

Day 1 :: Introduction and recent photo

This would be me three years ago with our youngest cat, Elphie.  Trust me when I say that the only real difference in how I look now is that I'm a little fluffier and a little greyer at the temples.  Otherwise?  I'm the same me I was back in 2011.

My name is A. Sadie Timm, but you can call me Sadie.  That's the name I've chosen to use for my professional writing for a number of reasons that involve my family and the pull of my spirituality and my patron deities.

I'm 44 years old and am a transplanted Washingtonian of twelve years in September.  I currently live within a mile of one of the inlets in Puget Sound and love being so close to the water.  I take frequent trips to the coast to go clamming and/or crabbing during the year, depending on how the clamming season is going mainly.  I also crab and harvest oysters locally.

I live with BD, my queerplatonic partner of thirteen years; Otter, our housemate that's basically family; and our four furkids: Leo, Stasia, Gabe, and Elphie.  We have a backyard that is utterly overtaken by blackberry brambles, but also has some lovely fruit trees and bushes, if we could get to them.  But the local birds and wildlife love that our backyard is as wild as it is.

My first real memory of writing anything was when I was around 7 years old or so.  I've never looked back since.  I write fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and more than a little fanfiction under another pseudonym.  There's not a day that goes by when I'm not writing something.  If, for some reason, I do end up skipping a day [or more], I actually feel the withdrawal effects and they aren't pretty.

If there's anything else you'd like to know about me that won't be covered in this little meme project, please feel free to let me know.

Project Master Post

Project :: 30 Days About Me - Master Post

So I've heard that if you do something for 21 days straight, it becomes a habit.  I'm going to put that to the test by doing this 30 day meme about me.  Hopefully, I'll get back into the habit of daily posting here.  The bonus is that you'll get to know a little more about A. Sadie Timm in the process.

This is where I'll keep the master post for you to catch up on any of these days' posts that you may have missed.  That means I'll be posting the link to this page at the bottom of each day's post, too.

Let's have a little fun with this, shall we?

- Sadie

PS. If any of you should make connections to my other online presences, please don't make them public.  There is a reason I've chosen to keep my professional and fannish personas separate.  Thank you.


Thirty Days About Me

1. Introduction and recent photo
2. 20 facts about you
3. Your favorite quote
4. What are you afraid of?
5. 10 songs you love right now
6. Your 5 senses right now
7. Your pet hates
8. What's in your handbag?
9. What are your worst habits?
10. What's your best physical feature?
11. List 15 of your favorite things
12. What's inside your fridge?
13. What is your earliest memory?
14. If you won the lottery...
15. Timeline of your day
16. What's at the top of your bucket list?
17. What is your most proud moment?
18. The meaning behind your blog name
19. What do you collect?
20. A difficult time in your life
21. Your 10 favorite foods
22. The best thing to happen this year
23. Your dream job
24. Your favorite childhood book
25. Your 5 favorite blogs
26. An old photo of you
27. Post your favorite recipe
28. What are you looking forward to?
29. Where have you travelled?
30. What's in your makeup bag?