02 May 2014

30 Days About Me - Day 2: 20 facts about you

Day 2 :: 20 facts about you

  1. I'm technically the oldest of four.
  2. I'm the oldest grandchild on both sides of my family.
  3. At one time, I owned over 120 rats, due to a timing error in breeding two females and a former roommate rescuing another two pregnant females in the same timeframe.
  4. I have lived in 5 states in the course of my lifetime.
  5. I am very much in love with both of my nephews.
  6. I love being a redhead, but don't always mind when my grey hair peaks through the dye.
  7. I prefer contacts to glasses usually, but am incredibly light sensitive when I wear them.
  8. At one point, I was in college full-time with 15-18 credits [depending on the semester], worked a full-time job and a part-time job, and was active in the theatre department.
  9. During the above-mentioned time, I got free soda at both jobs, so was averaging 2 gallons of diet soda per day just to keep awake and get everything done.
  10. It was during the above time [plus a few more years, for good measure] that I developed a nasty allergy to aspartame and its ilk.  I didn't find out until about 10 years later why I kept getting so many migraines.  Now, a single drop of the stuff touching my tongue will trigger off an instant nasty migraine.
  11. Now I'm completely aspartame-free and can't even stomach diet sodas with Splenda because the "fake sugar" taste in cola-type drinks makes me gag.
  12. I prefer guinea pigs as pets to ferrets, but would take ratties over both in a heartbeat.
  13. I actually was able to breed pedigreed rats because I bred down four generations on the maternal side from a pet store feeder rat.
  14. If you give me Ionian green olives, I will do pretty much anything for you.
  15. I have eaten an olive stuffed with a habanero pepper and loved it.
  16. I'm 44yo and still don't have my driver's license, nor do I expect I ever will.
  17. When I die, I want to be cremated and turned into an artificial reef section in the Pacific Ocean.  If I can't do that, I want my ashes to be housing for a tree seed to be planted in the forests of the Pacific Northwest.
  18. I've been working on refining the same novel concept for over twelve years now.  One day, it'll be cohesive enough to become a fully developed novel.
  19. As a rule, I don't use recipes when I cook.  When I bake, I use recipes to be safe, but when I cook, it's all about intuition.
  20. I am known as the "Spice Queen" or "Sauce Queen" in my house, because I always know how to spice everything or make sauces/gravies that rock, pretty much without fail.

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