24 January 2014

World Building Exercise

So Day 3 of the 12-Day Plan of Simple Writing Exercises is as follows ::

Write a setting based on the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen.

 A coastal beach that stretches unbroken for several miles to the south and approximately two miles to the north, where it terminates in a large outcropping of seismically and volcanically created rock, surrounded by a dense fog that obscures the summit and what lies to its direct north.  Anyone brave enough to climb the narrow, crumbling, water-slicked footholds and natural trails to the top is treated to a view like none other.  Once on the summit, the fog lifts to reveal a sun-dappled oasis of lush green grass overlooking a sparkling blue-green ocean to the west and north.  To the north, over the edge, one cans ee another seemingly endless stretch of pristine beach, dotted irregularly with pieces of driftwood.  Along the northeast of the point is a henge of obsidian and sunstone.  Fantastical creatures live here, including a gryphon that keeps a leviathan fed with seaweed and the bodies of those unworthy to step foot in this sacred space.

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