Welcome to the inaugural post for "What's up Wednesday" at Vibrant Scribbles. This is going to [hopefully] be my weekly post to keep on track with my goals and such. Well, and let y'all know what it is I'm up to currently. So let's get started, shall we?
What I'm Reading
- Journalution: Journal Writing to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams
- The Art Journal Workshop: Break Through, Explore, and Make it Your Own
- People of the Lakes
What I'm Writing
Right now, I'm not doing nearly enough writing. Am hoping to start fixing that this week. Oh, I'm getting wordcount goals, but it's mostly due to some RP I've been doing, not "marketable" work. Granted, the RP work is character development and background for some fannish work I've got going, but again, that's not marketable work because I'm a firm proponent of the "no money for fanfic" rule.
There are several irons I'd like to get into the fire this week, all of which are going to be my Ready, Set, Write goals for this week. Some of these are holdovers from the last set of goals I'd created in my previous post for my first week of Ready, Set, Write, and will continue to be so until they're fulfilled. I managed to get one of the four goals completed, which was signing up and getting vetted over at Elliquiy. I haven't done anything over there yet, but I was working on a different project that required my time. Now it's time to start working on writing over there.
- Wordcount goal: 7000 words of fiction and/or RP [which is background for a fannish story I'm working on]
- Work through my "possible submissions" sites to find at least 3 good matches to work with in the coming week.
- Pull out the Laikhostra story files & start looking at where I need to go next
- Create my Ons/Offs post & "finalize" my bio over at Elliquiy.
- Get another 1000 words minimum written on fannish project #1 [code name: Help Me]
- Get a basic outline and a minimum of 1000 words written on fannish project #2 [code name: Transformation]
- Edit and post the next chapter of fannish project #3 [code name: Epic]
- Post ficlet/sneak peek from Laikhostra on Friday Fiction day. Possibly do two, since I missed last week's post.
- Start outlining the nonfic project, so I know what to look for as I do a series rewatch for research [code name: OUaT Meta]
Note: I need to do a separate post about this project, so that I can get a bit of feedback on where I'm considering going with it, as I really want this project to soar. - Work with my partner on the mutual writing/podfic project we're assigned to, as 1000 words of poetry make take some time to get written. [code name: Podfic Poetry]
What Else I've Been Up To
Well, let's see. I've been crocheting like a mad fiend to get things finished for my nephew-to-be, who is due to be born any time in the next 3 weeks. Am also in the process of doing some cleaning and rearranging of our home office and my bedroom. Oh, and this coming weekend is the opener for crabbing season, which means Otter will be dragging BD and me out, particularly now that I have my shellfish license. Woohoo!
What Inspires Me Right Now
Inspiration is a crazy thing. Spotify has been a godsend for music. So many albums that I'm missing are there, plus so much new music to find. My BFF/soul-sister [who needs an animal nickname yet] has been introducing me to TONS of new music over there, which is fantastic, because music is so much a part of my life.
Other inspiration right now is just nature. It's been raining off and on for the last week or so, anything from a light mist to outright thunderstorms. Nature is always inspiring for me anyway, but I have a special bond with storms. The worse the storm gets, the more creative I get, Well, when the barometric pressure doesn't go wonky and give me migraines, that is.
What’s up with you today?
A friend of mine is an Art Journalist. You can find her here! ^_^
ReplyDeleteThat is a lot of goals, wow! Good luck!
*happy sigh* Gosh I miss RPing! I haven't had time since my university days.
Have an awesome week! :D
It is a lot of goals, but I'm pretty sure I can get most, if not all of them done in the next week. It's just a matter of getting myself disciplined again.
DeleteThe RP is a lot of fun. It's OUaT-based RP right now, but the Elliquiy site is a combination of fiction-writing and RP, so I'm hoping to work on character/world creation more over there.
And thanks for the art journal rec! I'm always looking for new ideas to explore.
I've been inspired by nature lately too. It's easy with summer being so beautiful. Best of luck with your goals for the week. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy!
ReplyDeleteI think I can get it all done, particularly after tomorrow when I ship out the box of crocheted items to my brother for my nephew-to-be.
DeleteSounds like you have a lot of goals, but also some very doable ones! I hope you have a very productive week!
ReplyDeleteYeah, I think I can get to most if not all of them before next Wednesday. It's just a matter of discipline and getting ,y crocheting set aside. LOL!