Well, we've definitely hit the summer weather here in Puget Sound! For the record, I'm not much for weather much higher than about 75F. Once it hits 90F or higher, I'm done. Heat can cause migraines for me, so there you go.
But we're currently sporting a temp of 79F, just edging out of my comfort zone. Thankfully my home office is in the basement, so it takes quite a bit of heat to make it miserable down here. And we do have 4 different portable/window A/C units if they're absolutely needed. We haven't had to use them in at least 3 years now, so I consider that a good thing.
One thing I will say about the hotter summer temps is that they can play into BD's odd sleep patterns. Case in point: Before going to bed at 0600 this morning, she put some chicken in the oven to bake low and slow while it was cool. I woke up at 0730 to the lovely aroma of baking chicken and took it out of the oven at 0800. Of course, I had to nibble a bit to make sure it was fully cooked. The rest will be shredded and included in BD's enchilada casserole that is so very yummy!
Have been working on some of my goals for Ready, Set, Write this weekend. Fiction Friday didn't get posted yesterday due to a few different reasons that I don't want to get into right now, but I'll be doing both last week's story and this week's story as soon as I post this one up. Have had a nice talk with my Podfic Poetry partner today, so know where to start on that. And I still have plans for working on the Elliquiy and Epic goals this weekend yet, plus maybe a couple others. We'll see how that goes.
So how's your weekend going?
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