29 October 2013

NaNoWriMo 2013 Possible Project :: Excerpt #1

Laikhostra is a project I've been working on since 2002 and the very first year I participated in NaNoWriMo.  There are actually several other excerpts from this universe here in my journal, so you may be familiar with the characters.


"Oh no, Zandra, I can't do this."

She laughs softly, an actual sympathetic sound, and gently tugs at my hand.  "Yes, you can, my heart.  There have been far too many negotiations made to ensure this transportation.  This is the best option we have right now, such as it is."

"I heard that, Knight."

Zandra turns slowly to face the petite woman coming toward us, and I can see that great hulking cat of hers twining sinuously between her legs.  Mandrigor's rumble from within his crystal on my cane is echoed by my Bond-mate.

"Captain Riverfray,"  I say, voice only quavering slightly,  "how good to see you.  I was wondering if there was any chance that we could delay this departure?  The weather seems to be conspiring against us.  I believe that Woman is requesting that we wait for a time."

Kamryn's husky laughter strips the storm of its power for the briefest of moments.  "Are you a monk or a quivering mouse?  Do you honestly think that Woman would allow one of Her monks to come to harm when the great Kamryn Riverfray is at the helm of the greatest river boat in existence?  Or have you lost your faith?"

All eyes are on me suddenly and the sensation is stifling.  Stepping on that ship will change my life forever, and nothing will ever be the same again.  We may not come back from this journey.  This may well be the very last time my eyes ever take in the sight of Valley Green.

Is this really any different from the path you chose when you were abandoned to the streets of Valley Green?  Or when you chose to step aside as Maiomehaylen to share your life in Soulstone Bonding with Zandra?

Unable to fight with that inner voice's logic, I draw a deep, cleansing breath and meet the captain's gaze.  "You have no idea what my faith is, Captain Riverfray, but your words have given me the impetus I needed."  My fingers thread together with Zandra's in a show of bravado I don't completely feel, and we make our way down the long dock to the ship waiting to take us to our destiny.

Once onboard, Zandra and Ferret take to the task of stowing our gear away in our cabin.  I watch this small, but obviously competent, crew as preparations are finalized to make way on our journey.  They move as one, each as a limb, the ship itself as the heart of their body.  Even that beast they call a cat has a job to do.

But my own body remains tense, the faint stirrings of a headache growing behind my eyes.  My preference would be to blame it on the lack of something to do, but that would be a lie.  Fear gnaws at my thoughts, and I want nothing more than to flee to the enclosed safety of the archives of the monastery, destiny be damned.

"You're brooding, my heart."  Zandra's soft, warm voice precedes her arms wrapping around my waist from behind by mere seconds.  Her very nearness is a soothing balm to my frazzled nerves and I sink back into her embrace willingly.  "We'll be back.  Have faith in the Four Deities--"

"Five."  The word comes unbidden, almost as if compelled to be heard.  "Even if others have all but given up the guise of worshipping the Great Mother, She cannot be forgotten."

"My apologies, beloved monk.  I stand corrected."  She nuzzles at the nape of my neck for a moment, the fingers of her left hand moving automatically to stroke against my Soulstone.  The movement soothes me almost instantly, as time has proven repeatedly for us, and we fall into a comfortable silence as we await our destiny.

"Goodbye,"  glides whisper-soft across my lips as the ship pulls away from the dock, but I don't dare look back or this will all be for naught.

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