03 July 2013

What's Up Wednesday for 3 July 2013

It's What's Up Wednesday again!

First, an update on my goals from last week.  I managed to accomplish four of my ten goals from last week.  Between the awful heat causing mini-migraines and the BFF stress, a lot of my concentration and productivity was utterly shot.
  • Final word count was 7125 words
  • Went through my "possible submission options" folder and did a major cleaning.  I even have a couple of options to work on for submissions now.
  • Got my Ons/Offs posted & updated my profile over at Elliquiy
  • Posted two sneak peek ficlets for Laikhostra.  A day late, but got them posted.

What I'm Reading
Nope, haven't progressed beyond these same three books. I need to be fixing that ASAP, if only because  two of those books are due early next week [along with like 6 others that I haven't touched yet].  I'll have to see if reading gets done this week or if I have to renew them again.

What I'm Writing
Other than the RP that is going pretty swimmingly again, after a bit of a dry spell due to the aforementioned stress and heat, my writing's been pretty slim again this week.  But we seem to be in a lull week, so let's see if we can get it going again, yes?